Sunday 6 January 2008

A Touch of France

BAGUETTUES and fine wine invaded Watford this afternoon, as the French Market mesmerised buyers with a lavish display of home-grown products.

With 30 various stalls set up of French delicacies presenting 50 kinds of cheese, ham, olives and wine from separate cities in France, customers saved a plane fare to relish these mouth-watering traditional items.

Market assistant Piers Sontaine, 43, from Paris, said: “It’s a great novelty for us to bring our home-grown products here and show the British what authentic quality French food is, not like the supermarket brands.”

1 comment:

Maitreyi Basu said...

Self-reflective Report: French Market 6

This yearly occasion was advertised in the local paper; therefore I decided to travel to Watford to view the market.

With the other articles produced, sufficient detail was included, so I chose to approach this piece with the purpose of creating a fresh and contrasting style.

Once I arrived at the market I considered that a short piece would be more suitable to connect with the light-hearted theme, as there wasn’t any significant news incident to report.

I aimed to summarize the focal attraction of the market, which were undoubtedly the ingredients. I considered addressing the delicacies was all that was required to influence the short piece, hence described famous French products to reflect the theme. The purpose of using the word ‘baguettes’ as the key word for the introduction, was also to indicate the French relevance incorporated throughout the piece.

Had the article been overwritten, perhaps it would have appeared dull and unappealing. By keeping the shape and outline bold, the piece illustrates a clear description of the news.

I enjoyed using a different method of structuring an article, as this allowed me to be more innovative with language and build a contrasting technique compared with hard news.

The experience of travelling to a variety of events was greatly enjoyed, as this helped build my confidence in social skills where I interacted with various people. I felt less hesitant in communicating, which allowed me to be more familiar with taking interviews.

However, I regret not travelling equipped with a camera, as a photo showing the colourful array of products would have completed the piece. My mistake in reporting is failing to carry a digital camera, which is essentially needed to capture any striking images to compliment any article.